Does my homeowners insurance cover my rental property?

Well, it depends on your situation.

If you’re renting out a separate property from the home you live in, you’ll need home insurance for a rental property – commonly known as landlord insurance.

Heads up! You can only insure your rental property with us if your primary residence is also insured with Sonnet. We do not insure standalone rental properties.

What if you’re renting out a part of the home you live in? We’ll cover you under your personal home insurance policy if you’re renting rooms to no more than 2 roomers or boarders.

Or, you may rent out one additional unit (like a basement apartment) in your house, to no more than one household. A household can be a family, or it can be a couple or unmarried partners, over the age of majority, that co-habitate (but are not students). Keep in mind that Sonnet provides coverage for either one or the other of the above situations – but not both together.

Does your homeowners insurance for your personal home or your rental property cover tenants? No – they’ll have to get their own renters insurance.

No matter what, you should always review your policy wordings to make sure you’ve got the right insurance for your rental needs. Still have questions about rental home insurance? Get in touch with us – we’re happy to help!