What is a high-risk driver?

There are a few reasons why an insurer could label a driver to be high risk. Usually, it means they’ve racked up too many tickets, convictions and/or accidents on their driving record. In other words, they have a history of poor or irresponsible driving. Having past insurance policies cancelled for non-payment also means higher risk, since it shows that a person has a history of not paying their premiums. Some companies even consider new or young drivers to be high risk! This is because they’re inexperienced and are more likely to get into an accident.

High-risk drivers usually have a harder time finding affordable insurance. The fact is, insurance companies think they’re just too risky to take on as customers. If they’re accepted, they’ll usually end up paying a very high premium. The best ways to save money on your car insurance? Just drive safely – and make your payments on time.