How to prevent flood damage to your vehicle
Preventing flood damage to vehicle

Flooding can surprise us at any time, but across all provinces it’s pretty common in the spring. Snow and ice have built up over the winter months, only to melt and create runoff during a warm day. Add some rainfall to the mix and suddenly there’s a flood warning. In the moment, it’s easy to forget about your car while taking precautions to protect your home.

Cars are built to endure rainfall, but when water enters the vehicle it can cause serious issues. In fact, flood damage can be difficult to fix and jeopardizes the safety of the vehicle. We’ve got the lowdown on how to protect your car from harmful flood damage. Also, find out how to spot if a car has been damaged by flooding in the past.

How to protect your vehicle from flood damage:

  • Park high up. This may seem obvious, but hear us out. Move your vehicle to an elevated area, like an above-ground parking garage. This could help to avoid a lot of flooding as it generally pools in lower-lying areas first.
  • Keep everything sealed. Double check that all car windows and doors are closed tight. Make sure to check the sunroof, trunk and hood, too!
  • Disconnect the battery. If you have to leave your vehicle somewhere that might flood, consider disconnecting your car battery. This helps prevent the electronic components from short-circuiting.
  • Avoid puddles. If you’re driving after a flood, steer clear of puddles – it’s hard to know how deep it could be. Even shallow puddles can splash up and cause damage to your vehicle’s undercarriage. If driving through a puddle is your only option, go slow and keep to a steady speed to reduce splashing.

Heads up! Never try to drive through a flood. It’s hard to tell just how deep standing water is and if the water will quickly rise. The danger is serious – your vehicle could get swept away with you inside. Abandon the car and get yourself and your passengers to safety.

Tip: If you’re in a flooded area, time is of the essence. There’s going to be a lot of water-logged cars and claims. Be sure to call your insurer early to get ahead of the masses.

If you’re thinking of trying to fix your ride yourself, don’t do it. It’s best to just assess the damage and leave the repairs to the professionals. The thing is, in many cases, repairing flood damage is nearly impossible. Cars are complex and flood water is harmful to all modern cars, so the fix is usually not a simple one.

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