5 easy steps to keep your home and belongings organized
A tidy and organized home

Keeping your home organized is important now more than ever. Everyone is spending a lot more time at home and by keeping your belongings organized you will feel calmer. Even a few simple reorganization hacks can significantly make a positive difference towards a happier life. Getting your home sorted can lessen anxiety and help you to be more productive. Rather than starting with a total purge, it’s easier to start with one area and then move onto the next.

1. Start with organizing smaller areas or drawers
Organizing your home can feel like a big task. It’s better to break it into smaller steps or room by room. Start with a project you can easily complete like those pesky junk drawers. By cleaning out small storage areas, you’ll now have room to sort through your stuff methodically and mindfully. Think of it this way, you have to make room in your fridge before you put your groceries away. Emptying your drawers will give you a mental picture of what stuff you have and where it belongs.

TIP: Sorting your stuff into bins and compartments will help keep like items together. Labeling your bins is another way to help keep the rest of your household accountable.

2. Next, organize shared spaces
Your kitchen, living room and bathrooms are all high traffic areas where a lot of time is spent. By setting a high standard of organization in common areas the rest of your household will have to follow your example. Assigning clean up duties will also help members of your family take on ownership. It’s never too late to develop good organization habits.

3. Purge and sort personal items
Going through your bedroom, closet and office space can be more time-consuming as it involves assessing many items. Although sometimes intimidating, the sorting and purging process will help you to feel more liberated. Sort between three piles: keep, donate, or trash. Any item that is broken, no longer fits or you no longer need, be ruthless and get rid of it. Only keep items that are absolutely necessary.

Donations are needed now more than ever with the heightened strain on many Canadian finances from implications from the COVID-19 pandemic. Check which local charities are accepting donations and if they are in need of specific items.

4. Catalog and document your expensive items
Once you’ve sorted out rooms and closets now is a good time to figure out a system to take care of your most expensive stuff. The first step is taking a full inventory of your valuables. It’s a good idea to get valuables appraised by an expert. As jewelry and collective items can go up in value, you should get those items appraised every couple of years.

Next, take photos of all appraisals, receipts and valuables. Take photos that show the condition of the item from multiple angles. Having a digital list of your expensive items is extremely helpful should there ever be physical damage or a break-in to your home.

Any expensive items in storage those should also be accounted for in your digital catalog. Similarly, to belongings at home, there is a coverage limit for things in storage. It’s important to review what coverage you have and decide if you require a separate self-storage insurance policy.

TIP: If you want to preserve sentimental items or protect certain expensive items, consider getting a safe for additional protection and security.

5. Review your home insurance coverage
Now that you’ve made some progress towards organizing your home and documenting your valuables, it’s a great time to review your home insurance coverage. Take note of your personal belongings limit. This is how much coverage you’ll have if something happens to your stuff. Compare the limits in your policy to the total value of your belongings to see if you need to make adjustments.

Watch this video to learn more about how personal belongings coverage works. You’ll also learn the difference between custom limits and standard limits.

Keeping your home organized and knowing you’re insured for your belongings will ultimately help you feel more relaxed. You’ll save time, money and reduce stress when your home is in order. It’s much easier to unwind at home when there’s no clutter and all your stuff is neatly where it should be. By continually striving to stay organized you will live a happier (and most likely healthier) life.

Protect your home and the things you love most.