How to prepare for the Canadian carbon tax
Carbon emissions in Canada
2019 is here, which means that Canadians might be required to pay around $20 per tonne of carbon dioxide emitted, per year. This carbon tax is being put in place to act as an incentive for people to change their habits when it comes to fuel and energy consumption, and to make greener choices for their homes and cars. Here are a few ways you can make sure you’re carbon-tax ready.

The carbon tax at a glance

As we mentioned, in 2019 the tax will see Canadians paying around $20 per tonne of CO2, per year, with another increase to $50 per tonne in 2022. For context, on average, Canadians emit 20.1 tonnes of CO2 each year… which works out to roughly $400/year in carbon tax. The carbon tax is part of Canada’s responsibility to reduce emissions, as per the Paris Agreement. No matter how we meet that commitment, it’s going to cost money.

How you can prepare for the carbon tax

The tax is meant to encourage people to make greener decisions to help reduce CO2 emissions. All those “tonnes” we just talked about mainly come from energy and fuel used to heat your home or to gas up your car. Here are some things you can do to reduce your carbon emissions (and your energy bills):

  1. Update your heating, ventilation and air conditioning to a more efficient system; it will help control your energy use, improve your air quality, and reduce risk of fires!
  2. Using LED light bulbs will also help you use less energy and will lower your energy bill.
  3. Don’t drive if you don’t need to – try taking public transit (even if it’s every other day) or carpooling to reduce the number of cars on the road. There’s also great bike share programs in bigger cities across Canada that are a more efficient way to get to work.
  4. If you’re in the market for a new car (or maybe the second car for your household), consider a hybrid car. There are more pros than cons!

Some insurance companies will even reward you for making more energy-efficient upgrades to your home and car – it’s a no brainer.

Find out how easy home and auto insurance can be. Is carbon tax Canada’s best option to help the environment?