Protecting your favourite stuff with Lolitta Dandoy
Fashion blogger Lolitta Dandoy
Lolitta decided to become a fashion blogger when she was 14 years old and today managed Fashion is Everywhere Opens in new window , her own blog that promotes accessible fashion for everyone.

When you ask people about their most precious possessions, their answer is usually furniture, cars, jewellery, an antique, or maybe artwork. But in my case, it’s my wardrobe! Not because it contains Chanel, Gucci and Saint-Laurent but because I have been building it for a little more than 20 years! It is so important to me that I transformed an entire room in my home into a walk-in closet.

How it all started

It began when I started liking vintage fashion and understood that it was possible to find incredible things without necessarily having a huge budget. From that moment, finding amazing pieces in thrift stores, church basements, and sample sales became a challenge and a passion! And this passion never diminished. To this day, there aren’t a lot of things that can beat making a great fashion find. With time, my budget has increased (thankfully) and though I still like thrift shopping, I also sometimes purchase designer pieces. I’ve made quite the investment in my wardrobe and I try to take every step to care for it properly.

Buy smart, buy things you love, and take care of them

Even if it may seem that I am always shopping, I wouldn’t consider myself a compulsive buyer. My purchases are generally well thought-out and that is why I usually keep my clothes for a very long time, and why my wardrobe is so extensive! Another reason is that I take really good care of my clothes. This means storing them properly, following cleaning directions, and treating them carefully.

Regardless of what your favourite thing is, take the time to take care of it to make sure it lasts. Whether it’s something as big as a luxury sports car or as small as a watch, your favourite (and maybe most expensive) things deserve your attention and care.

The insurance factor

I like my money where I can see it…Hanging in my closet!
Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City

This quote from Sex and the City is one of my favourites from Carrie Bradshaw. It perfectly describes my investment in my wardrobe. My clothes, shoes and accessories are extremely precious to me which is why it’s so important to insure them well. The process to document everything is easy, yet it can be time consuming. A rainy day spent indoors can be a great time to create an inventory and help avoid regrets in case of fire or theft. Be sure to include a description, price and origin in your inventory. If you have time, taking photos is one of the best things you can do, at least for the pieces you consider more precious. If you have vintage or collection pieces like me, it could even be worthwhile to have them evaluated by an expert. Depending on their value, they may not be covered by your typical home insurance policy.

Once the inventory is complete, you will have to choose the right insurance policy and make sure the limit is appropriate for the value of the pieces you want to protect. You’d be surprised how quickly it all adds up! If I can offer one more piece of advice, I would recommend updating the inventory to include the new pieces you acquire.

You’ve spent a lot of time building up your collection or saving for that big purchase, take the time to protect it too.

Protect your home and the things you love most.