Can I drive a car without insurance in Ontario?

No. In order to legally drive in Ontario, you must have car insurance.

Driving without insurance isn’t a criminal offence. But, it is an offence under the Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act. If a car owner is caught driving without insurance, it can result in some seriously hefty fines (up to $25,000 for a first offence) – and that’s not all.

Other penalties could include:

  • Having your licence suspended for up to a year
  • Having your car impounded
  • Paying extra fees on top of your fine

If you get into an accident and you don’t have car insurance, you’ll have to pay out of pocket for your own vehicle’s repairs and your personal medical bills. And if you’re at-fault in an accident with another car, you’ll be held responsible for the other driver’s costs. This includes medical bills, vehicle damage, and even lost wages.

And what about when you want to get insured after settling up any fines and dealing with any penalties? Well, insurers could decline you based on the past offence. You’ll also have trouble finding a lower rate. At the end of the day, it’s just not worth it to drive your car uninsured.