Do you need sewer backup coverage in an apartment?

Yes! Most people think you only need sewer backup coverage if you live in a basement apartment. But, if you live in a high-rise apartment you should have this protection as part of your tenant insurance, too.

Here’s why. Living in a multi-unit building, your pipes can still clog and overflow and cause pretty serious (and pretty stinky) damage. Anything from heavy rain to ageing sewer lines to a plumbing blockage in your building can be the culprit. You’ll want to be able to fix the damage at minimal cost to you. That’s where sewer backup comes in to save the day.

Your building’s insurance may cover a portion of the damage. But if any of your personal items are damaged, you’ll need your own sewer backup coverage to repair or replace them. You’d also need your own coverage to repair any damage to improvements or renovations you’ve made to your place.

At Sonnet, Sewer Backup Coverage isn’t automatically included in your quote. But, you can add it on during the quoting process (if you’re eligible). If you already have a policy with us, you can simply log into your account and edit your policy to add Sewer Backup Coverage (again, if you’re eligible). It will cost you a few dollars more, but it’s worth it for the peace of mind!

Heads up! If you’re eligible, Sewer Backup and Overland Water must be purchased together.

Read more about the different types of water damage.